
Rick Parchem Picture

Rick Parchem • Mortgage Advisor


Rick Parchem puts people at ease with his gentle humor while providing thoughtful, personalized and caring professional service. And with over 20 years of experience to draw on, he can offer more solutions than most mortgage professionals. Rick has a reputation for working hard for his clients. He knows that a mortgage means more than just a way to buy or refinance a home: It can have far reaching effects on his clients well being.


Many satisfied clients.

 More Solutions

Unlike a commercial bank or credit union where only that institution’s products will be recommended, as a mortgage broker, Rick selects from the entire lending industry to find the program with the most attractive features and rates. And because of his broad and deep knowledge, Rick creatively finds solutions that less experienced mortgage professionals just don’t know about. Beyond traditional programs, he may recommend specially designed financing that is available through governmental agencies or nonprofits. These lesser known programs can offer attractive terms for homeowners and investors alike.

Seldom does a client leave my office without a loan.” He comments. “I believe that everyone deserves to own their own home.

Sharing Knowledge Leads to Satisfied Clients
Rick believes that informed borrowers are happier people. He views educating people about their choices as “... 85 percent of my job, so that they know exactly how the loan behaves for as long as they have it.” He adds, “I explain the most conservative to the most aggressive loan types, and the choices in between. I avoid industry jargon. And I answer questions – people can reach me anytime.” When it comes to processing the loan through the mortgage company, Rick comments, “I’m detailed and tenacious about getting things done. I simply do everything I can to make sure loans close on time.

More to Offer

Rick works extensively with residential lending and is also experienced in financing for custom construction, commercial, and investment purposes. He obtained licensing to do business in both Washington and Oregon. To meet the needs of the boomer generation, Rick has studied and worked with reverse mortgages. When needed, Rick can offer other carefully selected specialists, such as C.P.A.s, real estate agents, attorneys, and financial planners. Rick notes that working with a well-rounded team of other professionals supports his clients in meeting their life-long financial goals. For Rick Parchem, your future truly is his focus.

Rick Parchem Signature


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